InThe Writing CooperativebyDavid FerrersWriter Bios That Attract Hundreds of New Readers Work Like ThisHow I learned to write a bio that now attracts readers.Oct 16, 202169Oct 16, 202169
InThe Writing CooperativebyDavid FerrersOnline Writing Tip That’s So Easy To Use It Feels Like CheatingHow the information in article highlights can make you an online writing superstar. This technique is endorsed by Tim Denning.Nov 15, 202121Nov 15, 202121
InThe Writing CooperativebyDavid FerrersHow To Increase Your Earnings Without Writing Any More ContentLike many writers, I’m not the best-organised person, but I have found that this hack definitely increases my earnings.Jan 28, 202257Jan 28, 202257
InThe Writing CooperativebyDavid FerrersThe 4 Big Reasons Most Writers Do Not Make Money Writing OnlineThis is how to hurdle the stumbling blocks that trip up many writers so that you can achieve your writing objectives.Nov 11, 202117Nov 11, 202117
InThe Writing CooperativebyDavid FerrersWriting’s Exciting When Your Fan Base Explodes and You Make Mega BucksThis is how my earnings rocketed up 406% and my followers increased 158% in just one month and how you can do the same.Nov 8, 202111Nov 8, 202111
InThe Writing CooperativebyDavid FerrersThe Headline Formula Used by Top Writers To Create Viral Articles and How You Can Use ItA top writer shared with me his success formula for writing headlines that attract readers. This is what he said.Jan 14, 202214Jan 14, 202214
InThe Writing CooperativebyDavid Ferrers5 Specific Content Creation Skills Needed for Online Writing SuccessMy research reveals what the top writers do and highlights the skills needed for successDec 31, 20214Dec 31, 20214
InThe Writing CooperativebyDavid FerrersHow You Will Benefit From a Personal Vision of Yourself as a Dynamic Online WriterHow to use your personal vision to make your writing dream into your independent realityDec 10, 20215Dec 10, 20215
InWriters’ BlokkebyDavid FerrersHow Writers Build Up Their Income by Writing and Publishing Every Day on MediumI started slowly, but I’ve built up a content back catalogue that now pays me a monthly dividend even when I don’t publish.Jan 8, 20223Jan 8, 20223
InScience For LifebyDavid FerrersExploring What Happens When I Just Let Go and WriteThis essay is a journey of exploration to discover what comes out of my fingertips when I just let go and write.Jun 30, 20212Jun 30, 20212
InWriters’ BlokkebyDavid FerrersHow to Write Great Stories on Days When You’re Not in the MoodThis is what you should do on day’s when you feel you ought to write but don’t feel like it.Aug 30, 20215Aug 30, 20215
InWriters’ BlokkebyDavid FerrersHow Writers Find Their VoiceYou will find your voice in your subjects.Sep 6, 20215Sep 6, 20215
InWriters’ BlokkebyDavid FerrersSecret Quality Writing HackHow to deliver to your readers what you promise in your headline.Sep 8, 20214Sep 8, 20214
InThe Writing CooperativebyDavid FerrersHow Top Writers Use Rejection Pain to Up Their GameLearn to use pain to motivate yourself to go again, and again, and again for long-term writing success.Sep 8, 20214Sep 8, 20214
InWriters’ BlokkebyDavid FerrersTo Write Better Stories Tune In to Your MindYour focus on your subject keeps your reader’s attention.Sep 17, 20211Sep 17, 20211
InKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfbyDavid FerrersWrite about When You LovedMake your stories personal — readers are naturally inquisitive.Sep 19, 20211Sep 19, 20211
InWriters’ BlokkebyDavid FerrersHow I Inspire Myself to Write Success StoriesMaster the art of soaring with eagles on enthusiasm and self-belief thermals.Sep 21, 20213Sep 21, 20213
InWriters’ BlokkebyDavid FerrersWhere to Publish Your Stories for Best ResultsFind the number of readers for any Medium publicationSep 21, 202119Sep 21, 202119
InWriters’ BlokkebyDavid FerrersHow to Find Your Best Subject to Write AboutHow to use your Medium stats to tell you what your readers want.Sep 23, 20211Sep 23, 20211
InWriters’ BlokkebyDavid FerrersHow to Profit from Your Writing TalentThis is how I leverage a modest talent to make money as a writerSep 25, 20211Sep 25, 20211