My 5 Top Earning Stories of All Time and Why They Did So Well

There is a strong relationship between the number of views your stories receive and the amount you earn. This is how to make that relationship work for you.

David Ferrers
4 min readSep 20, 2022
Photo by Ashlyn Ciara on Unsplash

These are my top earning stories since I joined Medium in February 2021. I will tell you why I believe they have done especially well in a minute.

  1. Writer Bios That Attract Hundreds of New Readers Work Like This. My most successful story was originally published in October 2021. It has earned me some $200 and attracted over 3,000 views.
  2. How To Increase Your Earnings Without Writing Any More Content. Published January 2022.
  3. Online Writing Tip That’s So Easy To Use It Feels Like Cheating. Published November 2021.
  4. The Perfect Small Business for the Solo Entrepreneur. Published August 2022.
  5. How I Found Out That a Recession Is a Great Time To Start a Business. Published May 2022.

My big mistake

The reason why I put the publication date after each article is to highlight the gaps between my successful articles. These gaps show you how little I learned from my successes.



David Ferrers
David Ferrers

Written by David Ferrers

Self-Discovery stories of ordinary people who decided, “F—- it! I will now be who I am, say how I feel and live.”

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